Sunday, April 7, 2013

The PMS issue.

Dear experienced Lesbians,

       Now, I'm not very experienced... actually I'm just out of the closet. So I'm not experienced at all... I'm writing to the masses who might happen to have an inkling of an idea of what I'm going through, and might be able to help give me some advice. So to the meat and potatoes...

My partner and I have been together now for three months. It's actually my first lesbian relationship she's given me so much courage and taught me to embrace who I am. Yadda yadda all the good stuff that a partner can do for someone. We are just happy and perfect for each other, 3 weeks out of a month. However, when mother nature comes rolling in, all hell breaks loose. I get emotionally fragile and insecure, now don't get it twisted I definitely don't use this as an excuse to get away with being a bitch... actually it's the opposite I get needy and clingy. Whereas, normally I'm very independent, confident, and can sometimes be a bit cocky. My girlfriend is older than me by a little more than ten years (don't get me started about age it's just a number.) She had a hysterectomy a few years ago due to some medical issues. So we're not sync'd per say, but she still has her ovaries so she does ovulate.

One of my questions is; I think she got sympathy symptoms last time. I don't even know if that's possible, is it!?!?! She got tender breast and did not want to be touched at all. I'm wondering if I am the only person in the world who has experienced this. I know it's probably a very 1st world problem, but it puts a strain on our relationship. For that one week out of the month, I get selfish and I tear up easily. It's annoying and I don't know how to swallow it down. I hope someone else has been through this and can give me some tips or advice, because not only is it that one week. I have to spend the next week re-connecting. Because who I am while I'm PMS'ing is not who I am, my hormones just go crazy!!!

Disgruntled Baby Dyke.


  1. I actually have a IUD, internal birth control device because my periods are horrific!

    My partner & I have been together over 6 years. Unfortunately we experience the same issues... About 3-5 prior I start having flu like symptoms- very painful body aches, low grade fever, breast pain, acne, EXTREME fatigue (crippling) , I feel emotional, etc...

  2. I get just like you on my period. Try and give each other space (actively be apart) so she gets her distance but come together for a designated time so you get your needy fix. Also, for the love of all pure lezzie relationships, do not start or talk about any inkling of a fight. Put it on pause and if it'd still important once the hormones calm down, then I'd talk about it. Trust me, I have said some weird insecure shit while on my period.
